Kopi Toraja / Coffee Toraja Sulawesi – good sweetness and body, with warm spice notes Characteristics of Sulawesi Toraja Coffee Kopi Toraja yang bagus, harus seimbang dengan rasa buah dan coklat pekat. Kopi toraja memiliki rasa asam yang tinggi dan cukup berbeda, dan biasanya tingkat keasaman yang lebih halus dibandingkan dengan kopi sumatera dengan ukuran yang tidak terlalu besar dibandingkan kopi sumatera dan lebih terasa floral dibandingkan Java Arabica Like Sumatran coffees, the cup profile of Toraja has been called deep and brooding, with muted fruit notes and rustic sweetness and often a pungent spicy quality. A Dark Roast is recommended.
Name Origin: Toraja Benteng Ambesso
Village: Benteng Ambesso -Gandang Batu Sillanan Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi / Celebes
Type: Arabica
Variety: Mix - mostly Lini S
ASL: 1400-1600
Harvest : May-July
Moisture: 12% - 14%
Deffect: < 10 %
Grade : 1
Process : fullwash - semiwash wet hulling - honey
Capacities: 30-50 tons per harvest
Farmer: Cooperative & Smallholders
Note: Exotic flowery fragrance, sweet Vanilla aromatic, Syrupy Maple Caramel like, sweet corn, Medium Bright Lemon acidy, Good body, Chocolate hints with finish note hints like berry. Fruity cherry note
Name origin : Toraja Sapan
Village: Sapan Minanga, Toraja
Type: Arabica
ASL: 1500-1600
Harvest: May - July
Moisture: 12-14%
Deffect/foreign Matter/split bean: 0.5-2%
Grade A
Process: Full washed
Farmer: Koperasi & Smallholders
Note: Good body, medium acidity, sweet vanilla aromatic, a little bit chocolaty, fruity cherry notes, hint like berry, raspberry with clean cup
Name origin: Kalosi Pasonken
Village: Pasonken, Kec Buntu Batu District Enrekang
Type: Mix Lini S795 & USDA
ASL: 1200 - 1400 M
Harvest: May
Moisture: 13 %
Deffect/foreign Matter/split bean: 0.5-1%
Grade A - Premium
Process: Wet Process Dry Hulling (WPDH)
Farmer: Smallholders (2-3 group)
Notes: under compile
Name origin: Kalosi BoneBone
Village: BoneBone, Baraca District Enrekang
Type: Mix Lini S, Typica
ASL: 1400 - 1800 M
Harvest: March-October
Moisture: 12%-13 %
Grade A
Process: Washing
Farmer: Koperasi & Smallholders
Notes: Strawberry, Orange, Spicy, Mango, Sweet, Peanut, Almond (cupping score 82.88 ICF 17-19 October 2014)
Name origin: Kalosi Benteng Alla
Village: Village Buntu Dama, Kec. Baroko District Enrekang
Type: Arabica
Varietal :Bourbon and S Lini
ASL: 1450-1600 M
Harvest: May
Moisture: 12%
Grade A
Process: Washed-Specialty
Farmer: Koperasi & Smallholders
Dry Aroma Spicy, Sweet, Mellow Paprica, cocoa
Wet Aroma spiciness beginning to subside to dark berries, brown sugar is present
The Acidity is medium without any overly dominant tones
The Body is vibrant and full on the palate
# Kopi Toraja - Ciri: Rasa harum, keasaman lebih tinggi sesekali sensasi coklat pekat, lezat.
TORAJA - KALOSI 110000/KG, SAPAN RP. 120000/KG
Minimum order Kopi Mentah / Greenbean 1kg
Franco Surabaya Up to 100 KG Rp 108000 , SAPAN RP 118000
Tonnase Rp 105000 , SAPAN RP 115000 (NEGOTIABLE)
Kalosi Peaberry Rp. 135000/KG minimum 1kg
1KG 55000/kg
Up to 60kg - 100kg 47000/kg
Tonnage 43000/kg (negotiable)
ROASTBEAN / KOPI GORENG and Ground / Powder Level roasting : Medium ( on request for Fullcity, French)
1kg 180000/kg ; 40000/200gr
Minimum order Roasted Bean 1 pack Rp. 40000/200gr
> 20kg Rp 170000/kg
1KG 90000/kg
20-60kg 80000/kg
Tonnage 70000/kg (negotiable)