Name origin: Sidikalang Tiga Baru
Village: Tiga Baru, district Tiga Baru, Dairi
Type : Arabica
varietas : Mix Bourbon and Ateng
ASL : 1200 mdpl
Harvest : September
mouisture : 13 %
Defect/ Foreign matter/ Split bean : Max 8 %
Process : semi wash wet hull
Capacity production : 2 tons/harvest
Farmer : smallholders
notes: spicy slightly paprika, fruity, chocolate, hint tobacco, medium body.
Sidikalang 110000/KG
Minimum order Kopi Mentah / Greenbean 1kg
Franco Surabaya Up to 100 KG Rp 108000
Tonnase Rp 105000
ROASTBEAN / KOPI GORENG and Ground / Powder Level roasting : Medium ( on request for Fullcity, French)
1kg 180000/kg ; 40000/200gr
Minimum order Roasted Bean 1 pack Rp. 40000/200gr
> 20kg Rp 170000/kg